Becoming Iconic with Jen Szpigiel, owner and founder of Becoming Iconic®️

About this episode:

Jen Szpigiel is the owner and founder of Becoming Iconic®️, Jen infuses her years of wisdom and proven strategies for visionaries, legends and entrepreneurs who want to break expired paradigms and shift the narrative within their businesses, relationships and lives. She is an industry leader, mentor, and podcast host.

Topics Discussed:

  • Why Jen started becoming iconic and how “becoming” is the keyword

  • How she teaches entrepreneurs how to humanize business

  • Her advice for business leaders on achieving financial abundance

  • How she finds joy in the small moments and actions in daily life

About Jen:

Jen Szpigiel has created a multi-million dollar global iconic brand for legendary leadership, life and business. As the owner and founder of Becoming Iconic®️, Jen is infusing years of wisdom, pure-clean energy and proven strategies for the visionaries, legends and entrepreneurs who want to break expired paradigms and shift the narrative within their businesses, relationships and lives.

As an industry leader, top mentor and podcast host, be ready for Jen to expand you into your full potential as the most epic, vision centric leader for yourself and your legacy.

Read a raw, unedited transcript of this episode:

Thank you for joining us. Jen, tell us about becoming iconic and how you help entrepreneurs and business leaders succeed.

Thank you for having me. This is a really great pleasure I'm excited to be with everybody who's listening in. Becoming iconic is such an evolution. It's been 16 years in the making. It launched in January of 2020, and that was after 14 years of diving deeply into supporting women, specifically in building businesses. And I did that around the globe and very successfully, but it was for a specific company, it was an ambassador for a specific brand. And it was a point in my life where I realized I wanted to speak to more than just people who were interested in this particular brand. I wanted to speak to the masses and I thought, I want to be available also to the masses. So I decided to launch becoming iconic, which was going to be my personal brand. Now, the interesting story behind this is the word iconic came about, and it was something I resisted. I didn't feel connected to the word iconic. I almost felt imposter syndrome. Who am I to say iconic? Will people be turned off from the word iconic will trigger them the way it's triggering me? But it just kept landing and kept landing. And it was when the word becoming came first that I all of a sudden had that click in moment where I realized, Oh, wait, I actually think this what we're all doing, I think we're all becoming day in and day out. And the goal, what we're all striving for is to be the best version of ourselves. And that is, in fact, iconic. It's not commas in the bank account. It's not the title behind your name. It's about who you're being day in and day out, and that ability to look at yourself in the mirror and say, I want to be better today than I was yesterday. What lessons can I apply? How can I move forward? And being a steward of that. So becoming iconic has really been the evolution of myself and now it's the evolution of thousands globally.

That's so true. And thank you for being so honest with how you came to becoming iconic, because you're right, we all have this passion and this drive within us to be the best at whatever that is.

Right. And you can be an iconic stay at home mom, if that was what is your calling? If that's what fills you up and you feel so fulfilled being at home with your babies, then how can you be the most iconic stay at home mom? What is that for you? What does that look like? What does it feel like? What is the experience of your day? And that is really about conscientious living, intentional living. And you can do that also by being a coach or a mentor or a creative or a podcaster. It doesn't matter what the thing is, it's how we are and how we're being through that that matters most.

Tell us about your early career and what gave you the courage, that exact moment where you said, I'm going to launch becoming iconic. Well, it's dramatic. And I guess my hindsight and my best advice as I tell this story is if you feel the harm in the whisper of something more, explore it. It doesn't mean you have to act right away. It doesn't mean you have to make a huge pivot and leave this career behind your relationship. It doesn't mean drastic moves, but what it does provoke for me, at least now, knowing what I know is the ability to look at this, be like What's in this and have that childlike curiosity. But years ago, this was probably seven years ago I felt the call and I ignored it because I was the top 1%. I had an incredible income. We were living the life, the life that people have on their vision board. And there was a part of me that thought, how could I possibly want more? Am I selfish? Am I greedy? Am I not happy? Am I not fulfilled? Because I should be really pleasant, peaceful, joyful. This should be enough. This should be enough. And it wasn't. And I kept stifling it and pushing it down because I felt like it was a part of my character in a negative way and that ended up turning into a hemorrhage. So an interesting part of the story is this was happening, this was coming. I was like, No, this should be enough. I'm happy. I'm happy. Stop this, harm. I'm good. And I went to an event for the coming year with and it was so out of alignment. I didn't feel integral and integrity is my number one value. So to spend a weekend at a conference that felt completely out of integrity and wasn't aligned. Something happened to me and it was almost like it was the brick in the head moment. I think Oprah describes it this way where it starts as a whisper, then it's a talk, then it's a scream, then it's a brick in the head. Well, that my brick in the head moment was I left that conference and I ended up hemorrhaging and I was hospitalized. It was actually quite serious. And I don't know if this was an angel or not. And if you're listening and you'll either say it wasn't or it was depending on your spirituality. But this woman walked into my hospital room. She was an OBGYN and she said, I don't think this is physical. And I said, what do you mean? She's like, really, I feel like this is not physical for you. I feel like your body is asking you something of you or you are literally getting rid of something does that sound. Accurate. Is there something that you've been holding on to that needs to be released or is your body calling you into something more? And it was so odd because I'm thinking you're OBGYN, why are we talking about this? This is chakra stuff. I mean, I'm here, I'm in a medical facility and she walked away and left. I never heard from her again. Never saw her again. But what she did was plant a seed for me to look at things with a fresh set of eyes. I looked at the relationship I had with the company I was with. I looked at who I was within that, and I realized the more doesn't mean greed, the more just means there's more of me. I have more capacity, I have more to give. And what if I just start exploring? And so that was that exploration. It took time. It was about a year after that that I finally took a big public sort of step into it. But there was a lot of behind the scenes work and a lot of healing and a lot of realizing that as women, when we crave more, we often equivocate that to the feeling of greed or that we should be more humble in what we have. And I'm here to say, as a woman who has completely rejected and eradicated that, now that it's actually so selfish of us to stay small and stifle our dreams and not follow through on the things that have been God given to us. As a matter of fact, that is a more selfish act than actually stepping into something audacious and bold and seeing what we're made of. And that's what I feel like. US as women, we really start to understand our power, our power to have capacity. We think so small. We think 24 hour timeslots. I got 24 hours in a day and I had to put all these things in the day and I have so much to do. And then we go circling into overwhelm and then we get into resentment. And he's not helping enough for my kids this. And we get all into this story, a narrative that we've been brought up in, we've witnessed and we've participated in. But when we stop and cut that cord, what we realize is, oh, my gosh, I am far beyond a 24 hour time frame. I have the ability to do so much and serve so much, you know, if this is the right word, but it's what's coming through is a healthy addiction of let's see what I've got today. Let's see what we can do. Let's see the experiences we can create. Let's see how much laughter I can bring in. Let's see how much joy and just fulfillment this day can hold. And I have to tell you, from personal experience, it is the most exquisite life because we start to see that we have played small and we have thought small for far too long.

It's so true. And isn't it so interesting how when you're supposed to move in a direction if we're resisting it, life or the universe or God, whatever your religious beliefs will find a way to move you in that direction. And it's so interesting that you were talking to a doctor because doctors usually don't speak that way.

And also good for you for listening. It's not always easy, is it? I know you believe that sales led with soul creates wait lists and lifelong clients. Tell us about that.

So one of my passions is to teach entrepreneurs how to look at people as humans again and not with numbers on their foreheads. And it breaks my heart, and I've been an entrepreneur for a very long time. So I have seen a lot of trends and a lot of ebbs and flows in all sorts of industries. And I work with clients in all industries. And it's unfortunate what I'm witnessing right now, and I feel called as a leader to hold us more accountable to the way we're behaving and how we're looking at people as a point of revenue versus a point of connection and relationship and something that matters. We have to remember why we started in the first place. Most of us started, like for you, this podcast or coaching or mentoring or whatever it is you're doing. You started because you realized you had something to give to someone. There is that spark of like, Wow, I'm really good at this. Or I've been through this. I could teach somebody through my experience. And that was the spark and energy of why you started doing what you were doing. And somehow along the way, it gets muddy and murky and we start to make everything about the amount of income we're making in our businesses, in our lives. And we lose that point of connection and relationship. And I feel more than ever in history we are craving that and yet we're not doing it for each other. So sold LED sales to me starts with how you wake up in the morning and how you greet people and how you do your social media and the way you feel and move in your company. But it's also about looking at people as a heartbeat. I often describe people that like that. I'm pretty known and my brand is known for that, that I don't even like the term followers on social media. I think that's such a disempowering message and term, why do you need followers? These are people who made the conscientious choice to come and be a part of a community. This is community. It should be community like that. Metta, if you're listening, there you go. There's my $0.02. It should be community members or, partners, because that's what it is. And I think we've lost touch with the idea of like one person on social media following us is such a gift and something to be grateful for. Now it's I need to have 100,000 to feel qualified and successful since when? And it takes one person to connect with and grow relationship with to feel uber successful because there's impact and results and you feel in such community with each other and the revenue follows. So solid sales are about going back to heartbeats, going back to the person that's sitting in front of you and realizing what a gift and privilege and honor it is that they chose you to even be curious about. I mean, somebody books a call with me to learn about my services. I am so grateful that they see something in me and they feel that trust to come forward and ask that of me. I think that is just that to me is success. That to me is a point that I want to pay attention to. And the results on the other side of that is whether there's a nice fit. And if not, maybe I got to bless them with a great conversation. Not everything needs to be dollars and cents. Not everything needs to be vanity metrics. What if we just started treating every encounter like something very divine and magical and beautiful? And what could we spark from that?

That's so true, because your followers, only a fraction, are probably people who you're actually doing business with. And that actual business connection is so great, and with team members making sure they're doing what brings them joy and like you said, understanding that they're real people. One of my team members just said, my parents are in town. Can I do something maybe a little bit differently this week? Of course. Enjoy your parents. As long as we're coming together and we're accomplishing what we set out to do, we're human beings.

Yeah, yeah, we're human beings. That's a great point. And seeing people and being able to honor people and that's what builds trust. That's what builds longevity and sustainable business. One of my biggest gifts and my edge is I know how to teach sustainable business. I know how to build a business that withstands the test of time. And I have watched a lot of entrepreneurs scaled the seven figures and wave that flag loud and proud. So they should I'm not taking away from that. But then a year or two later, it's like, where did they go? What happened to that person. That was. So loud and proud? And that's because we build a lot of our business and we put a lot of our worth upon the commas in our bank account. That is the reflection of your impact, its impact first. And when you are showing up that way, the revenue is just the side effect. It just happens. You don't have to think about it. a new client. Oh, look at that. The business is growing. Of course it is, because you're focused on the right thing people feel when you're looking at them with. A dollar sign on their forehead people feel when you're selling to them. And nobody likes those gems. I mean, can we give up the whole cold damn thing? When are Wednesday?

Just like, please, you don't get it. I love it when I'm scrolling through the DMS. I'm like, Oh, a real person. This is a real comment, right? Someone that really wants to interact.

You empower business leaders to feel excited to sell their products every day. I'm someone who loves sales and business development. I know not everyone does. What advice would you give someone who doesn't?

I would have to have a really good sit down discussion and come down to the like the root causes of why that is. And in my heart, I feel like it's probably one or two things either. Number one is the belief in yourself. There's a big crack in belief is whether you can actually put this out into the world and there's time to sort of mend that crack and belief. And the really interesting thing, too, that that is not comfortable and most people don't want to hear is the only way to mend that is by doing is by getting out there. And feeling forward, doing things before you're ready, doing things with the willingness to be like, I did not do that. Well, I think of the first time I did a presentation for the products I was representing. I wouldn't have bought a product from me. Like there's no way I would have bought a product from me. It was terrible. I didn't make eye contact even more ball cap because I was so insecure and so worried what people thought of me and like, what am I even doing? And I was all up in my head and in my face. it was hard to get through to me. But you know what? I did it, and because I did it, I was able to do the next one. And because I did the next one, I was able to do the next one. And it was not perfection. It was just this progression. And what I believe is so many people sit on the sidelines waiting for the feeling to come first. Like when I feel confident, then I will, or when I have more experience than I will, or when I make more money, then I will. And those things don't come first. All of that is waiting for you to stand up in it. And on the other side of this is it, in fact, integral and aligned? If you're not excited about talking about something, maybe it's time to look in the mirror. Forcing something will never be a win. Forcing something will never sustain. Forcing something is not worth it because you're betraying yourself and breaking that trust every single day. I did that. I hemorrhaged. You don't have to do that. And it doesn't need to be that dramatic of a story. But there's something there. So look at those. Where is the crack in your belief? Is it in yourself? And if so, act do something. And it's so counterintuitive because you think, but I don't believe it myself. What do you mean? Do something? Just try something. Build your trust in yourself, in your confidence, by actioning. And if the crack and belief is about the product or service, then it's time to look that and say, Is there a way I could build on this product or service? Is it something I really feel passionate about? And if it's not, there is something where you get to make a choice in a pivot, in a shift, and if it is, it's like, what do you need to do more of? Is it education? Is it hiring a mentor? Is it learning being a student? Is it just sitting and sharing quietly in the meantime while you build up that expertise? And that could be it, too.

That's such great advice and thank you for being so honest about the first time you sold your product, because we can build up that, Oh, I'm going to get a no in our head before we even try and trying means you're making progress even if you're getting a no. I remember my first years in sales, I got so immune to the word no. And once you get past that and you stop caring and you have that belief in abundance, to know that if you keep trying, eventually you're going to get the yeses and then the yeses flow. But thank you for being so honest.

Oh, yeah, it was bad. It was really bad. And you know what? There's still times where if I go back to the early days of my podcast. Everybody thought we all start somewhere. I had a thing or. Two to learn back then. But you know what? I am so proud of myself that I did it anyway. I'm so proud of myself that I have this journey and evolution that people can listen to and tap into to realize you've walked in on Chapter 12 Friends. Chapter one was not so glamorous and wasn't full of accolades and recognition and all the things. It was bruised knees, scuffed knees, dirty hands. I mean, I was in the work, but are you willing and that's leadership like so many people. Oh, my word. They don't take personal responsibility for themselves. It's like everything. All their power just gets projected to the outside world, you know? Make me feel important. Tell me I can do it. If someone says something negative to you, just embody it and go into the fetal position. And I can have this honest conversation because I was that person. I know that feeling. I know what that can do and how it can crack that belief chord again. But what if we just decide to do things differently? What if we just start collecting these lessons and say, rather than that constant loop I get in and that feeling of give? My power over all the time. But what have I stepped into it? What if I actually believed in myself? What if I affirmed myself? What if I actually gave gratitude for what I already have? Because we always want more. Here's the spoiler lower. You start making $100,000 months, $200,000 months, you hit seven figures. Then there's the next seven. there's always more. And that's great. But it also can hinder us because the chase and pursuit of more and not sitting in gratitude for what is.

And that's so true, because money and success does not always make us happy.

There's so much more to bringing in those small moments of joy and making sure we're doing the things that, like you said, are in alignment with who we are.

Yeah. Yeah. You got it, Melanie. That's perfect. How do you encourage your clients to welcome and sustain financial abundance? Hmm. Hmm, hmm, hmm.

That is such an inside job. That is such an inside job. And to answer that question with something that I believe is really important, poignant. And someone can apply right away, is I teach people to ask money. What's it like being in relationship with me? What's it like? And listen for the response. Most of the time we treat money the way we're in relationship with a partner or in relationship with a friend. And so it looks like this maybe for you and your partnership, you don't feel secure. So you're constantly asking your spouse or partner, are you cheating on me? Who you talking to on your phone? You're suspicious. You're not in trust. You're constantly worrying about what they're doing when they leave the house. And if that's how you are on the relationship, I mean, let's put the relationship part aside because there might be a lot of indicators there. So I'm not talking about that. I'm talking the way we're behaving in the relationship. Could money feel that way? Could money feel like you don't ever trust it? Like you always think it's going to leave? Could it feel stifled? Could it feel like you're constantly punishing it for something it hasn't even done for you or done to you? Even sometimes it comes to where we hoard it. So are you in a relationship to type person? Really love me, cuddle me, make me feel important. Tell me you love me 100 times a day. Like validate. Validate. And so with money, could it be, I'm just going to keep you. I don't. You never leave me. I'm just going to keep you on the account. So then I feel safe and we're together and you're not going to go anywhere. And so asking money what it's like to be in relationship with you is probably the most fundamental thing you could ever do in your life, because it is an energetic relationship.

It's so true. If we believe money is scarce, it will be. And if we believe in abundance, it's amazing what can happen and how things can change.

I ask this question at the end of every she built it episode because I believe it's so important to bring joy into our daily lives. Magic happens when we focus on the part of ourselves and our business that brings us joy. What is one tip that you can leave with us today about how you make sure to find and live your joy?

First of all, that's a great ending question. So let's just honor you for a second. That is a really beautiful question that you ask your guests. So thank you for that and your thoughtfulness around that. What comes up for me and it's sort of been, I think, an underlying theme of our conversation is action. I think we think and we believe that joy is in the in-between and the quiet moments and the doing of nothing. And although I really believe in quiet moments and taking time for ourselves, the most joyful times I have is when I'm out playing with my kids or activating something in my business or learning about myself and are doing the workout that I said I was going to do. Those are the moments where I feel like I'm stacking joy in my day, where I have all of these itty bitty little sparks that end up creating this beautiful fire. At the end of the day, I really believe we need to stop thinking that the joy is something we have to search for and instead just start living our lives audaciously and realizing that when we do that, the experiences, the opportunities, the moments, the connection, the looking at your child laughing, the kiss on the cheek from your partner, the beautiful bird that flies into the tree, the looking of the leaves against the blue sky, the smell in the air, the gratitude for water coming out of the tap the dog that wags its tail every time it sees you. These are joyful things. So be open and available to it all. Don't sit back and wait for it to approach you. You've got to go out and approach it.

So true. I love that perspective and such an incredible reminder. Thank you for joining us today. Please tell us how and where we can find you.

You can find me anywhere at becoming iconic. website is My favorite place, is the podcast, becoming iconic. The master class of weekly masterclasses held on all podcast platforms.

Sabrina Park