Become more Productive in Your Business and Home



 Tell us who you are? 

I’m Heather Steinker, mom of three and Productivity Coach. I started Chaos N’ Cookies after gaining 10+ years in the corporate world as the Director of Marketing for a legal services company. I helped build multiple 6 & 7-figure companies for other women and finally decided to make the leap to be my own boss and create my own destiny. 

As a child, I was always determined to be the best which has carried through to my career today to being a successful marketing expert.  I attended the University of Tampa and earned a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and Sports Studies while being a college athlete.  College athletics lended itself to many challenges including being diagnosed with a crippling spinal condition at 18 years old called spondylolisthesis.  Of course, this halted my athletic career and sent me on a long journey of pain and perseverance.  To date, I have had 2 spinal fusions and now have an erector set in my spine. After graduating from college in 2007, I jumped head first into my career, starting with the largest publicly owned IT reseller. I worked with companies like Wells Fargo, Marriott, and CitiGroup helping generate over $100 million in revenue yearly. I then moved into working as the Director of Marketing for court reporting firms to expand their business across the U.S. After leaving the legal industry, I decided to put my degree to work and become a health and wellness coach for one of the leading virtual health companies in the country.  

After becoming a mom of three, I wanted to start focusing more on staying at home and working towards something greater to fulfill me and challenge me.  I wanted to help other mompreneurs to control the chaos in their homes so they can live the life they wanted to lead. Thus, Chaos n’ Cookies was born and the creation of the Chaos Control System was launched. Volume 1: The Family Playbook, is meant to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. So many mothers put themselves last and sacrifice so much for others, and I wanted to show them that there is a way to have it all.

What gave you the courage to make your leap?   

I have had so much experience in my 36 years, and I wanted to use it to help others be successful working smarter and not harder. Starting a business is scary and much harder than one can imagine.  When you work for someone else, you are provided all of the systems and tools to set you up for success, but you have to do it all, from soup to nuts, when you are an entrepreneur.  It’s both overwhelming and exciting at the same time taking courage and a ton of support. Not everyone is blessed with a supportive circle of people, so I wanted to provide that for others.  For me, starting Chaos n’ Cookies allowed me to be there for my family while helping me find financial freedom too. I want other moms and entrepreneurs to have that same experience and eliminate the excuses to not be happy or be the woman she wants to become. 

How have your early career experiences influenced you? 

I have always been a social butterfly.  I was never really a part of a “clique” or group of people.  I pretty much knew everyone in my high school (4,000 students in the school) because I was always involved in different activities.  I was a member of the orchestra, played Varsity soccer, and was a part of some clubs on campus.  I never really sat still long enough to adhere to one group or another.  Creating meaningful relationships and staying connected is one of my biggest strengths and I have carried that through my marketing career.  People buy from people.  You have to earn their trust and respect in order to be successful.  I help my clients learn how to navigate the ins and outs of social media and create real relationships while marketing on a virtual platform.  When you are consistently busy wearing multiple hats, you also have to be creative and strategic with your time.  Working smarter is the key and knowing how to do that is a learned skill.  I teach my clients how to simplify systems and implement automation strategies in their business to save them time and help them stress less.  

What do you like the most about what you do?

Helping women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to control the chaos. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that you know the ins and outs of both your home and your business and you can choose what you want to delegate out and do yourself. As a mom, you can have it all.  A successful career that you love, a happy and healthy family, and also having lots of fun, without sacrificing your dreams and your sanity. The saying ‘It takes a village’ couldn’t be more accurate! My village is the most amazing group of people and I couldn’t ask for a better support system and it also brings me so much joy to be there for them too.

What is your strategy for management? 

I live and die by my calendar and routine.  Not everyone has the skills or the discipline to maintain a system like this so I created the Family Playbook to help.  It’s a standard operating procedure for your life.  A manual for your home, kids, finances, you name it.   A household is a full-time job and moms are the CEO or what I’d like to call Chief of Everything Officer. Raising a family and running a household are very similar to running a business. Homes must be maintained, meals prepared, expenses to cover...just like a business. My Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is a tool that every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues in the home and life. In addition to simplifying systems at home, I also help business owners navigate social media and other business platforms with how-to tutorials and hands-on coaching.  Helping them automate processes to get their businesses up and running quickly and efficiently is what I live for. With both home and business, setting realistic goals is essential and any tips and tricks that can make it easier is totally my jam. Also knowing when to ask for help is super important too.  It’s ok to ask for help! Again, it takes a village. Think about what tasks you love to do and think about how much your time is worth so you can delegate tasks that don’t bring you joy to someone else that loves to do them instead.  Everyone wins!

How has your business shifted over the last year? 

This past year has been challenging, for everyone! With a pandemic, virtual schooling of three young kids, running the everyday household tasks, and running a coaching business at the same time, shifted my perspective of many things. I learned that I needed to pivot to the needs of my clients and teach them skills that I have learned along the way to help them manage similar things that I was juggling. My business has continued to grow and be successful throughout the past year and would have never had some of the opportunities if I hadn’t done the pandemic pivot! As a mom, this past year has tested me in so many ways as well as others and there is a giant shift happening all over the world.  Moms don’t have to stay at home and play the traditional role that was once viewed as being a full-time mom and wife. We were individuals before becoming parents and the title, “Mom” is just a role we play and doesn’t define us.  I have had clients that are starting businesses each and every day that weren’t even a thought two years ago.  They are feeling the pull and tug on their hearts to do something more to fulfill them and ignite their souls.  It is incredible to see the growth of my clients and all moms starting their own businesses to live the life they want to lead and release the “mom-guilt”.

How do you find and live your joy?

Be present! Your kids are only young for a short period of time and will be grown in no time.  The days are long, but the years are short, so make sure you are being intentional with your time.  Set boundaries when necessary with both your family and your clients.  You have to know when to say no and remember what your non-negotiables are to stay true to you.  List out your MITs, most important tasks, and delegate specific time limits for each of them.  Work your way little by little and show yourself some grace.  Celebrate the small wins and don’t focus on what you did not accomplish but that you simply started and that you are well on your way.  Today is the only one like it. Your laundry will still be there tomorrow, those emails can be answered after bedtime. Don’t get down on yourself and stay the course. You can’t drive a parked car, so baby steps are a-okay. Cookies aren’t just for kids, so treat yourself to things that make you happy and that make you, YOU!


Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job as a Productivity Coach and Simplifier. As a busy mom of three and the founder of Chaos N’ Cookies, keeping moms from crumbling is Heather’s main objective. After gaining 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing building multiple 6 & 7-figure businesses for other women, Heather created the Chaos Control System to equip moms to overcome their own objections so they can live the life they want to live and start that business they have always wanted. The Family Playbook, or standard operating procedure, is the tool every mama needs to save time and stress-less when chaos ensues at home. In business, she also helps simplify systems on social media and other business platforms for the mompreneur.  Helping automate processes to get their business up and running quickly and efficiently while using how-to tutorials and hands on coaching is her specialty. Heather has helped hundreds of women to be more productive and self-sufficient in their homes and businesses allowing them to reclaim control of the chaos and achieve their goals.

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