Increasing Productivity in Your Life with Heather Steinker, CEO of Chaos N’ Cookies

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About this episode:

Heather Steinker of Chaos N' Cookies is on the She Built It™ Experience today and this episode has so much to offer, especially for mompreneurs. As a mom of three, Heather is an expert in time management, organization, and efficiency. During our conversation today, Heather is sharing how she has overcome chronic pain, how motherhood has taught her the importance of organization, why prioritization is the key to joy, and so much more. Take a break from all that you do for your kiddos and enjoy this episode!

Topics Discussed:

  • The things that you can miss as a stay at home or work from home mom

  • How Heather's early career experiences in sales has influenced her leadership style today

  • How becoming a mom was a catalyst of change for Heather's career and perspective on life

  • Why a spinal energy was one of the most impactful things in Heather's career and life

  • The importance of asking for help, especially as a mother

  • What gave Heather the courage to launch Chaos N' Cookies

  • Heather's strategy for staying on task and keeping her team motivated

  • How prioritization can help to facilitate joy in your job and life

About Heather:

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job. As a busy mom of three, a wife to a traveling hubby, and keeping it weird in Austin, Texas, it’s safe to say that Heather’s life is far from boring. Running a household with three young kids takes strategy and a system to keep things moving, like a well-oiled machine. After many moms came to her asking “How do you do it? I swear you have more time in the day than anyone else,” Heather wanted to show them the way! She created Chaos n’ Cookies to help busy mompreneurs stress less and save time through helpful tools and systems to increase productivity in their lives. Heather teaches her clients to be more efficient in their homes or running their businesses, working smarter and not harder.

In addition to running her coaching business as CNC’s CEO, Heather is a certified coach for a premier virtual fitness and nutrition program helping others feel better while sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Heather gained 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing, building multiple court reporting companies. Oh, and if she wasn’t busy enough, she maintains her own column called “How-to with Heather'' for a local neighborhood magazine, where she teaches her community fun hacks to be more self-sufficient with common household tasks. You can catch her weekly on her Chaos n’ Cookies Podcast, which ranked #80 in Parenting on the USA charts. Heather is helping mompreneurs chip away, one problem at a time.



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