Turn to the Things in your Life that you Feel Grateful for


About this episode:

Hi, She Built It family! We're entering the holiday season, which means we have the fun of traveling, planning, shopping for gifts, and spending time with family and friends. One thing I like to do around this time instead of focusing on what might not be going right is turning my focus to what is going right and the things in our lives that we have to feel grateful for.

Being grateful for the things that we have in our lives down to the smallest detail helps us to start the season off right and helps us to remain focused on what brings joy into our lives and what is truly important.

If you are looking for a dose of added gratitude to get you through the next few weeks, I’m sharing a few of my favorite things to do, on today’s episode!

5 tips to help you start feeling grateful:

  • When you start to feel anxious about something, think about one thing about that situation that you can feel grateful for.

  • Write a note or send a small gift to someone who has helped you throughout the year.

  • Listen to interactions and acknowledge how others are showing gratitude throughout the day to each other.

  • Believe in abundance and appreciate the little things.

  • Write down three things that you are grateful for every night that happened that day.


Click here to read a raw, unedited transcript of this episode:

Melanie Barr: Hi, She Built It family! We're entering the holiday season, which means we have the fun of traveling, planning, shopping for gifts and spending time with family and friends. All of these things, as fun as they are and as much as we really want to do them, can add to our family dynamics and our already long To-Do list.

One thing I like to do around this time instead of focusing on what might not be going right, turn your focus to what is going right and the things in our lives that we have to feel grateful for. Our lives and moments might not be perfect by any stretch, but being grateful for the things that we have in our lives down to the smallest detail helps us to start the season off right and helps us to remain focused on what brings joy into our lives and what is truly important.

If you are looking for a dose of added gratitude to get you through the next few weeks, here are a few of my favorite things to do. When you start to feel anxious about something, you think about one thing about that situation that you can feel grateful for, there is always something. When we started traveling with our twins, I would stress before a long plane ride with two babies. What really helped was focusing on the fact that I got to take a trip to see family and that I was able to spend time with them. There were years while I was living in L.A., where I only saw them once or twice a year. So this helped to relieve stress and put the moments into perspective.

Write a note or send a small gift to someone who has helped you throughout the year. We think about these things often, but it takes effort to really do them and make them happen. I love to gift She Built It temblors as an inspiration or send an Amazon gift card by email as a thank you. I recently sent an Amazon gift card by email to someone who had done something minor but meaningful to me that helped my business grow. I received the nicest note about how the gesture made their day. It doesn't have to be a large amount. Sometimes it's the action and the heartfelt thank you that makes all the difference.

Listen to interactions and acknowledge how others are showing gratitude throughout the day to each other. This came up for me recently with my eight-year-old twins. They have their moments as all siblings do, but most of the time they are really close. My daughter opened a gift and not expecting it, confetti went everywhere. I mean, everywhere, it was all over the living room floor. After she experienced the fun, laugh, and joy of the unexpected set in that there was now confetti all over the floor. My son immediately said I'll go get the vacuum and clean it up for you. I thought, Wow, that was a really nice thing to do. Being mindful about helping others can help to fill our minds with kindness.

Believe in abundance and appreciate the little things. On this podcast, we talk a lot about money and how believing in abundance rather than scarcity helps our financial situation grow. It's the same thing with joy. Believing there is joy in our lives that it reveals itself in so many different situations and there is so much joy in the world helps us bring more happiness into our lives. Write down three things that you are grateful for every night that happened that day. I know you've heard this before, but it really works. I started to email myself, three things I'm grateful for, right before I fall asleep. It's a simple gesture, but it puts me in a good mood when I go to sleep and it reminds me of the things I'm grateful for first thing in the morning as I'm scrolling through my emails.

If you do this by New Year's Eve, you will have a long list to carry you into the New Year.

Thank you so much for joining me today, and happy Thanksgiving!


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